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Proof from Science

Eucharistic Miracles

Although what we see with our eyes is bread, every so often the veil between heaven and earth is lifted, and we are blessed with physical evidence of the supernatural reality.  Blessed Carlos Acutis spent much of his young life cataloging these incredible miracles.   You can find all of the 136 miracles he studied on his site: 

Where science and faith meet.....

Lanciano, Italy 750 AD

One day a monk was saying mass at the monastery of Lanciano, Italy.  At the time, he was having trouble believing in the Real Presence.  Upon saying the words of consecration, the host miraculously turned into flesh and the wine into blood.   This most sacred Eucharist is still intact and has been venerated through the centuries.  The Blood in the chalice soon coagulated into 5 globules of differing sizes.  In 1970, A series of studies were performed in accord with scientific standards and are well documented.  In 1981, a second investigation confirmed those initial results and provided more information.  Most notable is the following:

  • The flesh is yellow-brown in color and was identified as tissue from the heart wall.
  • The blood is human origin, type AB.  The proteins are in the same percentage as found in fresh blood.
  • No preservatives were detected in the samples.  Normal blood and flesh would have deteriorated rapidly without any attempt at preservation.
  • When weighed, the 5 globules of blood have the same mass individually as they do altogether.

Buenos Aires, Argentina 1996

One day, as Fr. Alejandro was cleaning up after mass, he found a Host in a pew.  Following protocol, he put the Host in a container of water.  When he returned two days later, he found the host covered with blotches of blood.  He was directed by auxiliary Bishop Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) to observe and photograph the Eucharist.   After 3 years, the spot had grown in size and the Host showed no signs of decomposition.  Samples were taken and sent for analysis with the following results:

  • The flesh was found to be cardiac muscle from the left ventricle
  • The blood is of human origin, type AB
  • The tissue was in an inflamed state and contained numerous white blood cells indicating the tissue was alive the time the sample was taken.
  • The white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, indicating the heart was under extreme stress

Sokolka, Poland 2008

On October 12, 2008, a priest was distributing Holy Communion when a consecrated Host fell to the floor.  It was placed it in a container with water and put in a safe for protection until It dissolved.  When the sacristan went to check on the Host a week later, she found a red stain had formed on the Eucharist.  On Oct a sample of the stain was taken to two separate labs for independent analysis.  The results of both studies were in agreement and found the following:

  • The stain is not a blood clot as originally surmised, but is actually cardiac muscle tissue
  • The tissue is still alive and shows the same indications as the final phase preceding death
  • The fibers of the human tissue and the Host are inexplicably interwoven.

Supersubstantial Food

Bleeding hosts are not the only Eucharistic miracles.  We have been given many other signs of the supernatural character of the Real Presence.  One such phenomena is the documentation of holy men and women who lived for extended periods of time solely on the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist.

  • Blessed Alexandria Maria deCosta lived from 1942-1955 nourished only by the Eucharist.
  • Marthe Robin (1902-1981)  relived the Passion of Christ every Friday through her stigmata and took no other food or drink than the Holy Eucharist for 30 years.
  • At the age of 25, Teresa Neumann (1898-1962) experienced a miraculous recovery from paralysis and total blindness.  She later received the gift of the stigmata and fasted for 36 years, consuming only Our Lord in the Eucharist during this time.

Jesus, present in the Eucharist, is True Food for our journey.

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